
How to get Involved ?

Host an Event or Donate

Create your own Event

You can create an event big or small to raise awareness and raise funds for the cause.

Go Gray

Gray is the Brain Cancer Ribbon Color

Go Gray In May

Go Gray In May, Wear Anything Gray for Awareness

Use your voice - Create a Video

Use your voice

Use your voice to spread the word! Talk about it! Tell a friend!

The goal is to Spread Awareness

Zoefia was diagnosed with Pineoblastoma when she was 2 years old.  –  Pineoblastoma is a type of cancerous tumor {malignant} that arises in the area of the pineal gland.  It is rare, aggressive, and fast-growing!  The exact diagnosis is critical for choosing the correct therapy. Pineal tumors typically present with hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid pressure within the brain. Individuals with Pineoblastoma live an average of 20 months after their diagnosis, and 10% of affected individuals are alive 5 years after their diagnosis.

Zoefia battled cancer for 4 years and passed away at the age of 6. This foundation was created to honor her life and battle as well as to spread awareness!

Why We Advocate ?

10% of affected individuals are alive  5 years after their diagnosis.

Let’s Talk about some Brain Cancer Statistics

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The United States

  • Cancer is the #1 death by disease in the country.
  • Brain cancer is estimated to be the 10th leading cause of cancer death in 2023 for both males and females in all age groups.
  • 1 Million Americans are living with a Brain Tumor. {Source}
  • An estimated 700,000 people in the United States are living with a primary brain tumor. {Source}
  • 94,390 Americans will receive a primary brain tumor diagnosis in 2023. {Source}
  • 18,990 Americans will die from a malignant brain tumor in 2023. {Source}
  • 35.7% Relative Survival Rate for all patients with a malignant brain tumor. {Source}
  • Approximately 59% of all brain tumors occur in females.{Source}
  • Approximately 41% of all brain tumors occur in males {Source}
  • Brain tumors are the most commonly diagnosed solid cancer in children ages 0-14 years, as well as the leading cause of childhood cancer-related death. {Source}
  • A primary brain or spinal cord tumor is a tumor that starts in the brain or spinal cord.  In 2023, an estimated 24,810 adults (14,280 men and 10,530 women) in the United States will be diagnosed with primary cancerous tumors of the brain and spinal cord. {source}
  • It is estimated that 5,230 children under the age of 20 will also be diagnosed with a CNS tumor in the United States in 2023. {source}
  • In 2020, an estimated 251,329 people worldwide died from primary cancerous brain and CNS tumors. {source}
  • There are more than 100 distinct types of primary brain tumors. {Source}
  • More than any other cancer, brain tumors can have lasting and life-altering physical, cognitive, and psychological impacts on a patient’s life. {Source}
  • Approximately 84,000 people are diagnosed with brain tumors in the U.S. each year. {source}
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for a cancerous brain or CNS tumor is almost 36%. The 10-year survival rate is over 30%. {source}
  • There are 120 Brain and central nervous system tumors.
  • Approximately 5,900 brain and other CNS tumors will be diagnosed this year in children ages 0 to 19 in the United States {source}
  • After leukemia, brain and other CNS tumors are the second most common childhood cancers. {source}
  • Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death among children ages 0-14 years. {source}
  • Mortality rates remain little changed over the past 30 years.
  • There has never been a drug developed and approved specifically for malignant pediatric brain tumors.
  • Brain tumors represent the highest per-patient initial cost of care for any cancer group.
  • More than any other cancer, brain tumors can have lasting and life-altering physical cognitive and psychological impacts on a patient’s life.
  • Survival rates vary by age and tumor type generally decreasing with age.
  • Brain tumors are the most common solid cancer in children and adolescents ages 0-19 years in the U.S. {source

{Please Note Statistics are always changing}

Signs & Symptons

Our Brain Cancer Awareness Campaign

  • Every May we have our Campaign – Zoey Goes Gray In May.

  • Brain Tumor/Cancer Awareness Month is May –  The color of the Ribbon is Gray

  • This campaign aims to bring awareness to the cause of  Brain Cancer ribbon
  • Why are we having this campaign? Our CEO Zoefia was diagnosed with Pineoblastoma when she was 2 years old.  –  Pineoblastoma is a type of cancerous tumor {malignant} that arises in the area of the pineal gland.  It is rare, aggressive, and fast-growing!  The exact diagnosis is critical for choosing the correct therapy. Pineal tumors typically present with hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid pressure within the brain. Individuals with Pineoblastoma live an average of 20 months after their diagnosis, and 10% of affected individuals are alive 5 years after their diagnosis. Zoefia battled cancer for 4 years and passed away at the age of 6. This foundation was created to honor her life and battle as well as to spread awareness!

    We want to take things to another level and we need your help to make this campaign effective & successful!

  • Who can get involved? ANYONE

  • How can I get involved? First off Thank You for wanting to make a difference and getting involved to spread awareness for Brain Cancer. We want to make things simple for our supporters. We want individuals to be creative in the process while staying a stance to convey powerful statistics.  Please see details below.

  • How is this effective? This is effective as one voice is not enough! We need a community!

  • Where can you sign up? Please see the link to sign-up below.

  • Where do you get the Brain Cancer Fact to use in your video? Click Here 

  • May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month & we are going, Gray! We would love for you to get involved! 

    Usually, for Brain Cancer Awareness Month we post facts daily showcasing various Brain Cancer statistics. This year we decided to switch things up and we need your help. We have Gray Hats for Brain Cancer Awareness Month and we would love to give you a hat to help us spread awareness. You just have to simply wear the hat make a quick video stating Brain Cancer Statistics,  mention our organization & upload it to social media.

    Are you wondering how this will help?

    Helping to spread awareness by sharing statistics is a powerful way of getting individuals’ attention. The general cancer community is already aware of the month & statistics. We are trying to spread awareness outside of the cancer community.  We all have different groups of friends and family members that are probably not aware of the cause and who would love to get involved.

    Individuals have asked what they can do or how they can get involved? We understand that some don’t have the funds to donate or the time to volunteer. Participating in #ZOEYGOESGRAYINMAY is the simplest and most effective way that you can help to spread awareness this may.

    • The hat is yours to keep!
    • The hat is free of charge!
    • We ask that if you request the hat, you follow through with your obligation to spread awareness for the cause!
  • If you need Material we have created various Free downloadable materials for you.

    You can print these out as well as download them to social media to spread awareness for the cause.

    Click the link below.

  • We will be posting various Brain Cancer/Tumor Facts and material all month long! 

    Put on your Gray! Use your Voices and Press the Share Button on your social media pages! 

Zoefia’s Race For Awareness

Wear Gray, create a Go Gray sign, or post a Gray photo.

Use your Voice

Record a Video with a message about why you’re going gray or Inspiring others to Go Gray with  Brain Cancer statistics. 

Use Your Creativity

Thank You for…… Heartfelt Messages,  Team Zoefia Chants, Making a Splash, Singing, Showing your Gear, Jumping, Swinging, Running, Biking, Walking, Making Signs, Doing Pushups, and Inspiring People to Join the Movement!

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Team Zoefia Gear

Our Team Shop has more selection including beauty and accessories. 

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